Architecture for Humanity is an organisation through which building professionals bring design, construction and development services to communities in need, such as disaster zones or areas stricken by poverty. An Adelaide chapter of AFH has just started up, and last night they held a fundraiser, screening Turk Pipkin's documentary One Peace at a Time. The film travels all around the world, to areas where children are denied their basic rights, and go hungry and thirsty, and offers the insights of Nobel Laureates and charity directors on how to solve these problems. It is AMAZING. Although there are many hard hitting facts mentioned, for example that 12 children will die of hunger EVERY MINUTE, it is a story of hope, and the solutions offered are so far reaching that viewers leave empowered to make a change. Well, at least I did!

So, the moral of my story is, GO SEE THIS FILM! It may or may not change your life, but it will get you inspired to make a difference, and offer you many small (and large!) ways in which to do so.
After the film finished and Danny and I were done mingling, we headed very briskly toward the train station. Danny was really rushing to catch his train, but as soon as I saw the Northern Lights display, I slowed down, said goodbye, whipped out my camera, and fell in love with Adelaide all over again! This really is the best place in the world, for 1 month every year!
The Northern Lights is part of the Adelaide Festival, and involves projections of images onto the façades of many of the heritage buildings on North Terrace. It seriously can’t be summed up in words, so here are the photos…

The images change every few minutes, so most buildings have a few different colour sets. I liked the more abstract ones best, but the designs which had South Australian flora were definitely pretty neat.

In other, more self-obsessed news, I LOVE my new hair! Got it styled by Jenie a few weeks ago, and then I cut my fringe myself the other day, after drooling over pictures of hot babes on the internet. The next day I went out and bought a straightener so I can keep it looking slick, and I really, really like it!

(Please excuse the black under my eyes. I’m a bad girl and didn’t remove my makeup last night…)
x Mara